WARNING: Cushy is in early alpha. This guide doubly so.

Aligning Widgets

The Align widget positions a child widget within its parent. It supports both horizontal and vertical alignment.

It accomplishes this by requesting the child measure itself using SizeToFit for the child's width and/or height, and then positions the child to align it.

The align widget uses Edges<FlexibleDimension> to specify the alignment of each edge. If an edge is FlexibleDimension::Dimension, that edge of the child will be placed the exact measurement from the parent's matching edge. If an edge is FlexibleDimension::Auto, that edge will not be positioned relative to the parent's matching edge.


Align widget example

The content() function in each of these snippets is a Space widget occupying at least 32px squared:

fn main() {
fn content() -> impl MakeWidget {

Align a widget to the left

Any widget can be aligned to the left using MakeWidget::align_left():

fn main() {

Align a widget to the center

Any widget can be centered using MakeWidget::centered():

fn main() {

centered() works in both axis. To center only in one direction, "fit" the other direction:

Align a widget to the right

Any widget can be aligned to the right using MakeWidget::align_right():

fn main() {

Align a widget to the top

Any widget can be aligned to the top using MakeWidget::align_top():

fn main() {

Align a widget to the bottom

Any widget can be aligned to the bottom using MakeWidget::align_bottom():

fn main() {