WARNING: Cushy is in early alpha. This guide doubly so.


The Wrap widget lays its WidgetList widgets out in a fashion that mimics text layout.

It works by measuring each child with SizeToFit and laying out the widgets into a series of rows. A fixed amount of spacing between each widget can be applied.

Once the widgets have been grouped into rows, the alignment and vertical alignment are applied to position the widgets on each row. WrapAlign can be any of these strategies:

  • Start: Position the widgets at the start of the line, honoring LayoutOrder.
  • End: Position the widgets at the end of the line, honoring LayoutOrder.
  • Center: Position the widgets centered on each line.
  • SpaceBetween: Position the elements evenly along the line with no space before the first widget or after the last widget.
  • SpaceEvenly: Position the elements evenly along the line with an additional half of the spacing between elements before the first widget and after the last widget.
  • SpaceAround: Position the elements evenly along the line with an additional equal amount of spacing before the first widget and after the last widget.